ACS PRF Annual Report 2018 - Panel 9
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering: Engineering studies including process and operations control and design, fluid flow and multiphase flow dynamics, and related computations.
- 56052-DNI9: A Fundamental Study on Non-Oxidative Methane Activation and Oligomerization Reactions using Bi-Metallic Catalysts to form Higher Hydrocarbons and Graphene, Hema Ramsurn, Ph.D. , University of Tulsa
- 56107-DNI9: Dynamic Discrepancy Reduced Modeling for Adaptive, Multi-Model, Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, David S. Mebane, Ph.D. , West Virginia University
- 56386-DNI9: Pore-Resolving Simulations of Coal Char Gasification Using Micro-CT Imaging, Simcha L. Singer, Ph.D. , Marquette University
- 56399-DNI9: Fundamental Study of Heat Transfer Mechanisms in Metal-Organic Frameworks During Gas Adsorption, with Applications to Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage Systems, Christopher E. Wilmer, Ph.D. , University of Pittsburgh
- 56534-DNI9: Novel Operability-Based Approach for the Efficient Design and Intensification of Energy Systems, Fernando V. Lima, Ph.D. , West Virginia University
- 56627-DNI9: Plasma-Assisted Control of Catalytic Chemical Reaction, Ali Mesbah, Ph.D. , University of California, Berkeley
- 56659-DNI9: Hyperuniform Dispersal of Non-Brownian Particles in Viscous Liquids, Joseph D. Paulsen, Ph.D. , Syracuse University
- 56719-DNI9: The Dynamics of Colloidal Healing: Restoration of Visco-Plasticity in Dispersions of Attractive Colloids, James W. Swan, Ph.D. , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 56743-DNI9: Analytical Modelling and Numerical Simulations for Hydraulic Fracturing Initiation in Porous Rock Formations, Shengli Chen, Ph.D. , Louisiana State University
- 56822-DNI9: Polyelectrolyte-Clay Dynamics and Assembly in Taylor-Couette Flows for Applications in Improved Oil Production, Cari S. Dutcher, Ph.D. , University of Minnesota
- 56884-DNI9: Mesoscale Modeling of Stimuli-Responsive Composite Colloids at Oil-Water Interfaces, Xin Yong, Ph.D. , State University of New York at Binghamton
- 56929-DNI9: Non-Equilibrium Effects of Fines Migration in Porous Media Saturated with Immiscible Fluids, Rouzbeh Ghanbarnezhad Moghanloo, Ph.D. , University of Oklahoma
- 57371-DNI9: Controlling Particle Migration Using Geometry and Hydrodynamics, Ivan C. Christov, Ph.D. , Purdue University
- 57449-DNI9: Flow and Geomechanics in Fractured Black Shale, Joachim Moortgat, Ph.D. , The Ohio State University
- 57452-DNI9: Realizing an Electric Ferrofluid through Rational Nanoparticle Design, Keith A. Brown, Ph.D. , Boston University
- 57496-DNI9: Understanding Transport of Soft Units through Porous Media by Correlating Pore-scale Dynamics and Macroscale Properties, Jing Fan, Ph.D. , City University of New York, City College
- 57523-DNI9: Mesoscale Modeling of Nanoemulsion in Porous Media, Ming Tang, Ph.D. , Rice University
- 57732-DNI9: Hydraulic Fracture in Anisotropic Elastic Material, Egor Dontsov, Ph.D. , University of Houston
- 57739-DNI9: Measuring and Modeling the Behavior of a Nanoparticle-Stabilized CO2-Foam in Porous Media, Valentina Prigiobbe, Ph.D. , Stevens Institute of Technology
- 57751-DNI9: Pore-Scale Visualization of Clogging and Unclogging Dynamics in Saturated Porous Medium, Rui Ni, Ph.D. , The Johns Hopkins University
- 58135-DNI9: Hybrid Numerical Simulations of Microstructure Effects and Stress State during Hydraulic Fracture Propagation, Rennie B. Kaunda, Ph.D. , Colorado School of Mines
- 58173-DNI9: A Computational Study of the Lean Blow-Off Mechanisms for a Bluff-Body Stabilized Premixed Flame, Xinyu Zhao, Ph.D. , University of Connecticut
- 58226-DNI9: Early Failure of Elastomers: Understanding Damage Accumulation toward Failure, Roozbeh Dargazany, Ph.D. , Michigan State University
- 54312-ND9: Hydrodynamics of Colloidal Clustering in Different Dynamic Regimes, Rafael Delgado Buscalioni, Ph.D. , Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
- 55484-ND9: Efficient Numerical Techniques for Modelling of Surfactant-Laden Interfacial Phenomena, Petar Minev, Ph.D. , University of Alberta
- 55700-ND9: Electrohydrodynamic Atomization of Fuels Using Charge-Injection for Efficient Flameless Catalytic Combustion at Small Scale, Paul R. Chiarot, Ph.D. , State University of New York at Binghamton
- 56112-ND9: Fabrication and Modeling of a Novel Class of Porous Media, Muhammad Sahimi, Ph.D. , University of Southern California
- 56324-ND9: Understanding Asphaltene Dispersion through Coupled Surface Activity and Rheological Studies, Chinedum Osuji, Ph.D. , Yale University
- 56353-ND9: Effect of Contact Forces on Displacement of Immiscible Fluids through a Porous Network, Ellen K. Longmire, Ph.D. , University of Minnesota
- 56382-ND9: Understanding and Improving the Direct Conversion of Methane to Ethylene, William Curtis Conner, Ph.D. , University of Massachusetts Amherst
- 56382-ND9: Understanding and Improving the Direct Conversion of Methane to Ethylene, William Curtis Conner, Ph.D. , University of Massachusetts Amherst
- 56495-ND9: Understanding Local Dynamic Responses of Fixed Bed Reactors by CFD, Anthony G. Dixon, Ph.D. , Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- 56715-ND9: Design of Brine for Wettability Alteration and Improved Spontaneous Imbibition in Reservoir Nanopores, Venkat Ganesan, Ph.D. , The University of Texas at Austin
- 56918-ND9: Measurement of Stretched and Curved Laminar Flames at Extreme Pressure, Robert W. Pitz, Ph.D. , Vanderbilt University
- 56921-ND9: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Micro-Emulsion Formation and Transport in a Porous Media, Thomas Ward, Ph.D. , Iowa State University
- 57214-ND9: Dual Phase Membranes for High Temperature CO2 Separation, Hydrogen Production, and Energy Conversion, J. Douglas Way, Ph.D. , Colorado School of Mines
- 57511-ND9: A Novel Pressure Swing Steam Reforming Reactor, Vasilios I. Manousiouthakis, Ph.D. , University of California, Los Angeles
- 57515-ND9: The Electrocoalescence of Water Droplets in Oil: The Effect of Colloids Adsorbed onto the Water/Oil Interface, Charles M. Maldarelli, Ph.D. , City University of New York, City College
- 57552-ND9: Computational and Experimental Investigations of Wormlike Micellar Fluids for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Namwon Kim, Ph.D. , Texas State University-San Marcos
- 57692-ND9: Altering Wax Appearance Using Shear and Pressure, Matthew W. Liberatore, Ph.D. , University of Toledo
- 57734-ND9: A Rigorous Theoretical Framework for the Spreading of Liquid Droplets on Soft Solid Substrates, Satish Kumar, Ph.D. , University of Minnesota
- 57789-ND9: Structured-Illumination Microscopy (SIM) to Visualize Bubble Deformation and Breakup in Minichannel T-Junctions, Minami Yoda, Ph.D. , Georgia Institute of Technology
- 57801-ND9: In Situ Small Angle Scattering Analysis of Ultrasound Excitation of Emulsion Droplets, Lilo Danielle Pozzo, Ph.D. , University of Washington
- 58013-ND9: Understanding the Influence of Contact Angle Hysteresis on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Coefficient in Single Phase Flow, Arun K. Kota, Ph.D. , Colorado State University
- 56047-UNI9: Modeling the Shear Thickening Response of Colloidal Dispersions, Michael Cromer, Ph.D. , Rochester Institute of Technology
- 56888-UNI9: Dense Granular Flows: Connecting Dynamics across Scales, Kerstin Nordstrom, Ph.D. , Mount Holyoke College
- 57216-UNI9: Surfactant Effect on Hydrate Crystallization at Oil-Water Interface, Liat Rosenfeld, Ph.D. , San Jose State University
- 55347-UR9: Computational Studies of Osmotic Membranes for Petroleum Wastewater Reclamation, Mingheng Li, Ph.D. , California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
- 58138-UR9: On a More Rigorous Study of Pipeline Erosion in Bends Focused on Fluid-Particle Interaction Dynamics, Orlando Ayala, Ph.D. , Old Dominion University