Ch. 7 | Energy from Alternative Sources
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- Ch. 1 | Portable Electronics: The Periodic Table in the Palm of Your Hand
- Ch. 2 | The Air We Breathe
- Ch. 3 | Radiation from the Sun
- Ch. 4 | Climate Change
- Ch. 5 | Water Everywhere
- Ch. 6 | Energy from Combustion
- Ch. 7 | Energy from Alternative Sources
- Ch. 8 | Energy Storage
- Ch. 9 | The World of Polymers and Plastics
- Ch. 10 | Brewing and Chewing
- Ch. 11 | Nutrition
- Ch. 12 | Health & Medicine
- Ch. 13 | Genes and Life
- Ch. 14 | Who Killed Dr. Thompson? A Forensic Mystery
- What's Inside
- Lab Manual
- About the Authors
- Workshops
In this chapter, you will learn more about the chemistry that powers alternative sources of energy, starting with nuclear power. Here you will find the videos, simulations, and articles for both the 10th Edition and the 2024 Release:
This video sets the stage for what students will learn about alternative energy sources in Chapter 7.
This PhET simulation allows students to manipulate subatomic particles to better understand isotopes.
This video explains how dominoes can mimic nuclear chain reactions to better understand chain reactions.
This PhET simulation allows students to investigate nuclear fission that takes place in a reactor like that shown in Figure 7.7.
This activity explains how to construct a cloud chamber to visualize ionizing radiation.
This activity shows how pennies can be used to mimic half-lives.
This video explains the aftermath of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster, which is also depicted in Figure 7.16.
This video shows electrons and holes moving through a semiconductor crystal.
This video expands on Figure 7.28 and explains how solar cells work.
This infographic explains the relative cost and payback of solar power in different U.S. regions.
This video takes you on a virtual tour of a wind farm.
This video expands on Figure 7.36 and explains how to build a wind turbine.
This video sets the stage for what students will learn about alternative energy sources in Chapter 7.
Interactive trends in electricity production worldwide by source.
Low-C Energy Use Around the World
Interactive map of primary energy production worldwide from low-carbon sources, 2021.
This video illustrates the differences between nuclear fission and fusion.
This lightboard tutorial describes how to write nuclear equations.
This video explains how dominoes can mimic nuclear chain reactions to better understand chain reactions.
Simulation of a Chain Reaction
This animation illustrates a nuclear chain reaction.
Diagram of a Nuclear Power Plant
This animated figure illustrates a nuclear power plant.
This activity explains how to construct a cloud chamber to visualize ionizing radiation.
Visualizing Ionizing Radiation
This website provides a variety of lab experiments and activities related to nuclear reactions and ionizing radiation.
Your Annual Ionizing Radiation Dose
This interactive simulation demonstrates where radiation is found in your local community.
This video discusses half-lives.
This video explains the aftermath of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster.
Share of Primary Energy from Nuclear Power
Interactive trends in primary energy production worldwide from nuclear power, 1957-2021.
Annual Change in Nuclear Energy Generation
Interactive global map of the annual change in nuclear energy generation.
Interactive global map of primary energy production from solar.
Interactive map of concentrating solar power projects worldwide.
This video shows electrons and holes moving through a semiconductor crystal.
This video expands on Figure 7.29 and explains how solar cells work.
Check out this interview with Burford Furman who describes an exciting future of solar-powered transportation.
Worldwide Renewable Energy Generation
Interactive trends in worldwide renewable energy generation by source, 1965-2021.
Installed Wind Energy Capacity
Interactive trends in installed wind energy capacity in selected countries worldwide.
Regional Variations in Wind Power
Interactive map of installed and potential wind power capacity in the U.S.
This video takes you on a virtual tour of a wind farm.
Interactive map of hydroelectric capacity worldwide, 2021.
Interactive trends in geothermal power output by country, 1990-2020.