Ch. 13 | Genes and Life

This chapter is about the chemistry of life, through a discussion of the fundamental building blocks of genetics—the system of molecules that control the traits of living organisms. Here you will find the videos, simulations, and articles for both the 10th Edition and the 2024 Release:

Chapter 13 Opening Video

This video sets the stage for what students will learn about DNA and genes in Chapter 13.

Animated Genome

This video explains what a genome is through animations.

X-Ray Diffraction

This video shows how to use an X-ray diffractometer, which is illustrated in Figure 13.5.

DNA Visualization

This video shows how DNA coils and replicates, as illustrated in Figure 13.8.

DNA Extraction

This video shows how to extract DNA from various samples.

Protein Folding

This simulation allows students to see the effects of solvent and amino acid side chains on protein folding, which is illustrated in Figure 13.11.

Protein Structure

This simulation allows students to investigate the primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of proteins.

CRISPR/Cas 9 Explained

This ACS Reactions video explains how CRISPR works and will help with answers to Your Turn 13.14.

GMO Regulations?

This C&EN Speaking of Chemistry video discusses federal regulation of GMOs.

Chapter 13 Opening Video

This video sets the stage for what students will learn about DNA and genes in Chapter 13.

Extracting DNA from Strawberries

This video describes how DNA can be extracted from strawberries.

X-Ray Diffraction

This video shows how to use an X-ray diffractometer, which is illustrated in the Reflect Activity.

Visualizing DNA

This video illustrates DNA coiling and replication.

Protein Coding

This simulation illustrates the process of protein coding from DNA.

Cellular Protein Factories

This video explains what a genome is through animations.

Protein Folding

This simulation allows students to see the effects of solvent and amino acid side chains on protein folding, which is illustrated in Figure 13.11.

Secondary Structure of Proteins

This video illustrates the structure and properties of a protein.

CRISPR/Cas 9 Explained

This ACS Reactions video explains how CRISPR works.

Real Talk: Dr. Yehl

Check out this interview with Kevin Yehl who describes the process of CRISPR for genetic engineering.

3D Structure of Lipitor

See a 3D rendering of Lipitor, illustrated in Figure 13.20.

GMO Regulations?

This C&EN Speaking of Chemistry video discusses federal regulation of GMOs.